Sweet Summer and Knitting

Sweet Gentle Summer

Although I never put the needles and the knitting away, 
I always take time for the sweet gentle scents of summer.
I linger a little longer in the vegetable garden marveling at the fragrant sweet basil, and
as I water my window boxes and potted annuals I drink in 
the sweet perfume provided by nature.
But, I also treasure the time that I can sit on my deck
 overlooking the lush wetlands and KNIT.

This summer through the end of August you can buy some of my designs 
and support Craft Boston.
I have been chosen as one of the featured artists in the Fiber Stories Exhibition.
See my story and the stories of many other artists 
who work with Fiber at Society of Crafts Boston.

or visit Baby Sweaters by L'Agneau to shop my original, classic creations. 


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